SUNRIVER ANGLERS is honored to present
Fly Fisher/Writer/Speaker/TV Host...
"the Wyoming Cutt-Slam"
Thursday, March 18th
7:00pm - 8:30 on ZOOM
Come and join local legend Gary Lewis via ZOOM, as he shares one of his latest adventures, "the Wyoming Cutt-Slam." Created in 1996, the Wyoming Cutt-Slam program was developed to help anglers learn more about Wyoming’s cutthroat trout subspecies and increase appreciation for the efforts to enhance and conserve this precious resource.
The Wyoming Cutt-Slam sends the angler in pursuit of four cutthroat trout from four distinct watersheds. These are the Snake River, Yellowstone, Bear River and Colorado River cutthroat varieties. There is a fifth cutthroat, the Westslope, but this trout is not part of the Cutt-Slam.
*** ZOOM connection information for this meeting as follows ***
Topic: Sunriver Anglers March Meeting - The Wyoming Cutthroat Slam featuring Gary Lewis
Time: Mar 18, 2021 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
(Meeting "doors" open at 6:30pm, presentation starts at 7:00pm)
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Meeting ID: 872 1057 5807
Passcode: 904080
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Please don't hesitate to get in touch with rynieSRA@gmail.com if you need practice in using ZOOM on your computer or phone.