Dont miss tonight's Thursday, September 17th,
*VIRTUAL* General Meeting via ZOOM......
"Central Oregon Lakes"
Presented by Master Angler/Fly Tyer/Photographer/Speaker
(and all around good guy)
Phil Fischer
Phil Fischer is an avid fly fisherman who was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area but in 2010 relocated to the Sunriver Oregon area so he could be “closer to the fantastic fly fishing opportunities in Central Oregon”. Much of Phil’s time is now spent fishing the Cascade Lakes including Crane Prairie, East Lake, Wickiup, Hosmer and many others. With fifty years of fly fishing and fly tying knowledge, there is much to glean from Phil’s experiences and presentation. In those fifty years, Phil has fly fished extensively throughout the Western United States as well as numerous international destinations. He was tutored by Andre Puyans and taught fly tying classes at Creative Sports in Pleasant Hills for a number of years. He is the proud owner of Phil’s Custom Trout Flies and has numerous customers throughout the U.S. Many of these customers rely on Phil’s many years of experience to help solve fly fishing challenges that arise on their own home waters.
Phil’s presentation, an extensive guide to fishing "Central Oregon Lakes", will be augmented by numerous photographs that will help solidify the topic being covered. Phil will discuss where best to fish each lake, what gear, and what fly pattern to throughout the fishing season.
You don't want to miss Phil's very comprehensive and entertaining presentation!!!
Hope to see you at the ZOOM meeting!!!
Topic: SRA September Meeting
Time: Sep 17, 2020 at 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada);
Please log-in early at 6:45PM;
Meeting/Presentation will begin at 7:00PM.
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