This month's September 20th Sunriver Anglers Meeting will host our guest speaker - Jason Borger, a Vancouver, WA resident, and a well-known fly-casting instructor and author. The title of his talk will be “Presentation Strategies”. In the movie, “A River Runs Through It”, we see Paul Maclean played by Brad Pitt, shadow casting over the river. Jason has been involved in fly casting and film presentation since his teens. He wrote his first article at age thirteen and created his first fly fishing videos at age sixteen. He has contributed articles to magazines such as “Fly Fish America,” “Fly Fisherman” and “Fly Rod & Reel,” as well as numerous international publications. Jason also co-founded the Fly Casting Institute, which is dedicated to advancing the science, medicine and art of fly casting through instructional programs centered around fly-casting analysis, fly-casting training, and biomechanical/medical research. He is a student as a well as a teacher of art of fly casting. He has researched many of the great casters of the world and developed a practical cast and teaching method that will give the fisherman a technically perfect cast all day long.