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Fish Stocking Volunteer Effort to Doris and Blow Lakes
A group of anglers from Central Oregon, including several from the Sunriver Anglers met at the Six Lakes Trailhead to participate in an ODFW volunteer effort to stock brook trout into Doris and Blow Lakes in the Three Sisters Wilderness Area. Each of the 20 participants carried a backpack with 3 gallons of water, ice and approximately 150-200 fingerling brook trout in a heavy-duty plastic trash bag on their back up the Six Lakes Trailhead to either Blow Lake (1.1 miles) or Doris Lake (2.1 miles). It was a glorious summer morning with mild temperatures and clear skies.
Upon arrival at each lake, the brook trout were acclimatized to the lake water and temperature for about 15-20 minutes, and then released to their new forever home. It was interesting to watch how quickly these trout sought out shelter and food in their new homes.
Many thanks to Jen Luke, the Program Leader for ODFW who coordinated this very rewarding day for all participants.